Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Liwa trip

Its happened when I went to liwa. At 12 o’clock midnight, me and my friend were coming back home. There was strange sound so we stop the car to check what this sound is. There was a hole in the tire. So we have to change it but we don’t have spare tire. All shops know are closed. So we call our friends. They came for us but they were so far. So we wait maybe 3 hours until they came. The car was in street no place to park it. so we search about winch who’s can deliver our car to the garage. It was 4 o’clock when we found it. After that we came back home but we still wakeup until the morning. Then we go to buy new tire and change it. then I said: finally we can go home and have sweet draem.

Canning fish

Many people like sea food. In special I like tuna. In this essay I will write the process of canning fish.

First, the fish is caught from the sea and delivered to a cannery. This is a factory were food is canned. There they are cleaned to prevent any disease to poison anybody. After that they are washed carefully and from inside also. Then the salt is added to the fish in order to give them a longer life time. Later on, they are cleaned again just to make sure that they are cleaned properly. Finally after making sure those are cleaned and washed properly they are canned in huge amounts and sent to retail companies in order to be sold to people.

These were the process of canning fish. But I prefer fresh tuna.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


It was a dark and gloomy night. I was just about to bed when suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream I went outside rapidly to see what had happened. There was a lady who’s had made the curdling scream and she was crying with a man on the ground with a lot of blood. So I take them quickly to hospital. They took the man to treat him and I talked to the girl to know what had happened. But she trusted no body, and she wanted to sit alone. The doctor called the police because the man is shot by a gun. So the police me and girl to know what had happened. They ask the girl first then me. After that the police man did not let us go home until the man woke up and told them the real story. But I was confused and tired because it was 3 o’clock I had to sleep because I had work in the morning. The police man said to me “don’t worry you will not lose your job they will give you holiday because you are at risk for a days”. I talked with the girl and she said they were walking and her brother. After that 2 men’s stopped them to steal them bet her brother beat them and he want to take them to police. Suddenly one of them shot him and they ran away. That is her story but we still wait for her brother whose health was in danger. After one week the man gets better and told them the same story.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oilfield to Petrol Station

Nowadays cars became a necessary thing that people need. The cars work by petrol so there is stations to fuel your car. But are you ask how the oil becomes petrol in your car? In this essay I will describe the stages from the discovery of oil to the sale of petrol in filling station.

First of all, the oil is located under the ground in the desert and under the sea. Second, the oil is pumped through long pipelines to refineries. Next it is stored in huge storage tanks. Then, it is refined into different products, including petrol. The it is stored in special tanks before it is transported to petrol stations. After that the petrol is stored in underground tanks. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks.

In conclusion, this is how petrol is made from oil and gets into my car.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fishing Trip

30 years ago many people in UAE were fishermen but now everything is changed. Every month I go fishing with my cousins once in our free time. Many people think that fishing is difficult. In this essay I will write the procedure for fishing.

First of all it’s very important to check how the weather looks like. There are a special number you can call them to know how is the weather. Before start be sure do you have all stuff with you. Second, take navigation with you so it can help you to found good place. Third, put the taste in the hook and throw the rods in the sea. Don’t move it many time because you scare the fish. Be careful because sometimes the hook stuck with a rock under the water. When you feel something pull the rode pull it rapidly. If you will be late the fish will escape. After you pull it outside the water put it in a box with water from the sea to be fresh.

If you follow these steps you will find it very easy. Fishing is very interesting thing. We challenge each other how will catch more and bigger fish.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wedding Party

Every country has their own tradition. In the UAE tradition people make wedding parties when they got married. In this essay I will talk about how to organize wedding parties.

First of all, the groom have to cover all parties cost. Second, he has to choose where he will do it, in hotel or big tent. Then, send cards to people to invite them. After that check the place, food and a band to play the music. Then groom should buy gold for his bride which she wanted. Next, the bride has to go shopping for the wedding party and go to saloon. In same day the groom have to be the first one in the place to receive the invited people.

In conclusion parties in UAE always started at 9 pm until 1 am. If u follows these steps you will find it very easy to organize.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shopping in Souqs and Malls

Most of people nowadays like shopping. It’s come like a hobby. There are 2 kind of shopping nowadays souqs and malls. In this essay I will compare and contrast shopping in malls and souqs.

There are many similarities between shopping in malls and souqs. First similarity is that there are many shops in both. Yet another similarity is that you can buy same things. Last similarity I will cover is that there are many kind of items.

On the other hand there are also some differences between them. One difference is that the souq cheaper than malls. Another difference is that every mall has a cinema so you can see a movie when you are shopping but the souq hasn’t. last difference is that souq is open area but malls are closed.

I my opinion shopping in malls is better than souqs because its modern and more comfortable. And you can find park for your car easy, but it is harder to find parking in souqs.