Sunday, May 9, 2010


It was a dark and gloomy night. I was just about to bed when suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream I went outside rapidly to see what had happened. There was a lady who’s had made the curdling scream and she was crying with a man on the ground with a lot of blood. So I take them quickly to hospital. They took the man to treat him and I talked to the girl to know what had happened. But she trusted no body, and she wanted to sit alone. The doctor called the police because the man is shot by a gun. So the police me and girl to know what had happened. They ask the girl first then me. After that the police man did not let us go home until the man woke up and told them the real story. But I was confused and tired because it was 3 o’clock I had to sleep because I had work in the morning. The police man said to me “don’t worry you will not lose your job they will give you holiday because you are at risk for a days”. I talked with the girl and she said they were walking and her brother. After that 2 men’s stopped them to steal them bet her brother beat them and he want to take them to police. Suddenly one of them shot him and they ran away. That is her story but we still wait for her brother whose health was in danger. After one week the man gets better and told them the same story.

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